
Lesson 5 - Further Information. (Changed 04/03/2023)


So to sum it all up, as the down swing reaches it conclusion, the arms begin to interact in order to add extra power into the shot.

But to be successful, at the point when the club head strikes the ball -- you must ensure that your head is in the original the address position and still facing the ball position, the upper body angles have been maintained and the hip turn has reached a position that they are facing at 45 degrees towards the target area and importantly, the right shoulder must begin to move under the chin.


However as the two parts rotate, the waist line acts as a universal joint to enable the upper body angles to be maintained

In addition, the left arm must remain close to the right shoulder for as long as possible before the arms begin to interact.

(At the impact position, the right shoulder must be lower than the left shoulder, very similar to the tilt of the shoulders at the address position, therefore try to resist the left arm from moving away from the right shoulder until the club head makes contact with the ball.)

This will ensure two things, the club head will swing down through the contact area whilst it is square to the target line and it will also ensure that the right shoulder rotates under the chin after the ball has been struck, but importantly, but you must keep the head firmly in the original address position until well after the ball has been struck - whilst the hips fully rotate towards the target area.


At the precise moment the club head strikes the ball, the hands must be ahead of the original address position effectively lowering the launch angle but greatly assisting in hitting the ball in the required direction.

But importantly, and as soon as the club head strikes the ball, the whole body must be forced to turn to fully face the target area --- at the same speed that the club head is moving through the contact area.

(At no time in the down swing movement must you allow the upper body unit to move independently of the lower part of the body, only the arms move independently at the conclusion of the down swing movement.)


Therefore whilst the down swing movement is performed :-

1) The waist must act as a universal joint whilst the whole body rotates towards the target area.

2) The left arm must remain held close to the right shoulder for as long as possible.

3) The wrists held in the fully cocked position for as long as possible.

4) The upper body unit must be firmly held together so that the arms and the torso form a triangular compact unit and this condition must be held until well after the ball has been struck

5) The head must remain in the original address position until well after the ball has been struck.

6) The weight of the body must be over the left leg.


But importantly, at the precise moment the club head strikes the ball the head must be in the exact position it was at the original address position. ( See Head Position )

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